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Bankfoot Primary School

We came across School Improvement Tracker when searching for support for the school to develop subject leadership.


The school had recently adopted CPOMS, and we had experienced a few snow days when school was closed for staff and pupils. We also wanted to develop the monitoring and evaluation by middle leaders.

The school had been judged Outstanding in April 2016, and we did not want to become complacent; we wanted to continue to improve. This combination made a fertile ground for School Improvement Tracker as it fitted into the needs of the school.


We adopted all the relevant audits (Disadvantaged, Literacy, More Able, Numeracy, SEND, Subject Leaders, Teaching Assistants), even though we are a one form entry primary school, and some of the questions are clearly for secondary schools; as a school we consider all subjects important and we wanted some equity, clarity and consistency. School Improvement Tracker offered this.

The use of School Improvement Tracker is particularly effective in supporting the school to meet the requirements of the new Ofsted framework. We are well placed to manage the focus on the wider curriculum. School Improvement Tracker gave us a head start.


The subjects have been shared between staff on UPS, TLR and on Leadership scale. We have a second for each subject so staff can work at least in pairs to complete the audits. This has proved highly effective in sharpening the focus of particularly middle leaders.

We made some mistakes in the implementation; for the second year we have carefully mapped out when the tool must be used over the next academic year. By doing this we will get the full benefit of the tool. The audits will be used as reports to the governing body. The visual aspect makes this accessible and easy to moderate.

As staff have used the tool, they have been able to quickly identify areas of strength and areas for development. We have staff meetings for staff to deliver their findings. As a result of using the tool staff have been able to develop independence and formulate their own next steps. School Improvement Tracker is supporting staff developing and increasing their confidence.

We find School Improvement Tracker great value for money, easy to use and easy to manage. We have invested in technology and looked at ways to support work life balance and are in the process of being as paperless as possible…again School Improvement Tracker fits and supports our school improvement strategy – Thank you School Improvement Tracker!

"We find School Improvement Tracker great value for money, easy to use and easy to manage. We have invested in technology and looked at ways to support work life balance and are in the process of being as paperless as possible…again School Improvement Tracker fits and supports our school improvement strategy – Thank you School Improvement Tracker!"

Juliet Wright, Headteacher

Bankfoot Primary School

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