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How will School Improvement Tracker support your next OFSTED inspection?

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Under the new education inspection framework (EIF), judgements will be made on the following:


  • Overall effectiveness

  • Quality of education

  • Behaviour and attitudes

  • Personal development

  • Leadership and management


School Improvement Tracker supports schools to be secure in their provision against these judgements. A series of online audits asks best practice questions, then helps schools to prioritise next steps by providing a self-evaluation baseline across key focus areas. The audits will help you focus on the key elements of the new shorter, clearer school inspection report.

The new Ofsted Report

Ofsted has introduced shorter, clearer school inspection reports, focusing on the following areas:

This element of the report refers to students’ wellbeing and satisfaction with the school, extracurricular activities and safety and bullying. Do staff and leaders of the school care about each and every child and value them as individuals? Does work to improve the school place pupils’ needs at the heart of everything done? Are pupils self-assured and confident? Do they feel safe?

#1 What is it like to attend this school?

How does SIT help?

School Improvement Tracker helps you satisfy this judgement, providing best practice statements across a range of audits against which you can evaluate your provision. A common thread throughout all of the audits is meeting pupils’ diverse needs, delivering a broad and balanced curriculum to all. SEND  and most able audits focus on whole school strategies.

#2 What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

It does not, on the whole, look back on historical data, but rather on what the school is currently doing. This section will comment on SEND provision, particularly SEND students’ wellbeing and ability to access the full curriculum. SEND is thus fully integrated into the report, rather than an add-on.

How does SIT help?

School Improvement Tracker helps you satisfy this judgement, allowing you to evaluate:

1) the curriculum

2) the way teaching supports pupils to learn the curriculum

3) the standards pupils achieve

4) pupils’ behaviour and attitudes

5) the personal development of pupils

6) specific SEND provision 

#3 Safeguarding

The judgement largely says whether the school’s processes are effective and meet statutory standards, as well as focusing on students’ wellbeing and mental health. 

How does SIT help?

School Improvement Tracker helps you satisfy this judgement, providing safeguarding and wellbeing audits to ensure your safeguarding provision is compliant and a positive wellbeing culture is embedded within your school.

#4 What does the school need to do to improve?

The improvements section of the report is explicitly for use of the school and the LA/MAT – not parents.

How does SIT help?

School Improvement Tracker helps you prepare for this judgement by identifying areas for improvement that you can discuss with inspectors. The audits allow you to reflect on your current provision, evidence improvement from your previous inspection and identify next steps across key focus areas.


“The SEND Audit is an incredibly useful tool. It has helped identify areas for improvement and provided strategies for what needs to be done as a priority.” 

Assistant Headteacher, Bartley Green School

Intent, Implementation, Impact

Intent: Inspectors will consider the extent to which the school’s curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each stage.


School Improvement Tracker helps you evaluate and evidence the curriculum leadership provided by school, subject and curriculum leaders.


Implementation: Inspectors will also consider the way that the curriculum developed or adopted by the school is taught and assessed in order to support pupils to build their knowledge and to apply that knowledge as skills.


School Improvement Tracker helps you gauge how the curriculum is taught, assessed, communicated, experienced and celebrated. 


Impact: Inspectors will consider the outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received


School Improvement Tracker helps you evaluate the equality and progression of your curriculum

What do curriculum deep dives include?

1) Discussions with senior leaders

2) Discussions with teachers

3) Discussions with pupils

4) Discussion with curriculum leaders

5) Scrutiny of pupils’ work

6) Visits to a connected sample of lessons



School Improvement Tracker empowers staff to gain greater knowledge around their specialism, identify next steps and develop action plans that can be shared with colleagues – providing a consistent delivery of the curriculum and driving forward whole school improvement.

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Intent, Implementation, Impact

Published reports demonstrate the increased importance inspectors are placing on the curriculum.


Intent: Inspectors will consider the extent to which the school’s curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each stage.


School Improvement Tracker helps you evaluate and evidence the curriculum leadership provided by school, subject and curriculum leaders.


Implementation: Inspectors will also consider the way that the curriculum developed or adopted by the school is taught and assessed in order to support pupils to build their knowledge and to apply that knowledge as skills.


School Improvement Tracker helps you gauge how the curriculum is taught, assessed, communicated, experienced and celebrated. 


Impact: Inspectors will consider the outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received


School Improvement Tracker helps you evaluate the equality and progression of your curriculum

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