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most able audit

Most schools recognise the need to improve outcomes for more able and potentially more able pupils. A whole-school strategy is the most effective method to achieve this, however, in the current climate, many schools have delegated Most Able provision to staff with limited leadership experience and with a focus on enrichment provision.

You can use the Most Able tool to:

  • Support development of whole school vision for Most Able

  • Help to create an ethos of ambition and aspiration, shared by the whole school community

  • Review your evaluation processes, ensuring aspirational academic targets are set

  • Access clear guidance on identifying more able pupils

  • Support the development of an overview of the current teaching and learning strategies used across the curriculum for more able pupils

  • Access guidance on enhancing stakeholder engagement

  • Identify CPD opportunities

  • Evaluate the impact of all extension and enrichment opportunities

The Most Able Audit Tool will support schools in auditing current practice, providing coherent evidence, and planning targets and objectives for a Most Able development plan. It can be used as part of a process of school-to-school review and support. And it will enable school leaders to identify strengths and areas for improvement, providing both historical and up-to-date reporting of Most Able provision.



Stefani Shedden

Stefani Shedden has focused for most of her career on able pupils, in particular the needs of the disadvantaged and potentially able. She was Senior Adviser for Gifted and Talented at the National Strategies, having led on G&T education for Hounslow and Hammersmith and across London. She wrote Raising Aspiration and Achievement and co-wrote the A* Toolkit. She was Content Director for Challenge the Gap – a whole school improvement programme focussing on the achievement of disadvantaged pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium.


Most recently she was Programme Development Director for an academic literacy programme, EAL in the Mainstream Classroom, funded by the EEF, to improve outcomes for able EAL pupils.

Visit Stefani on LinkedIn >

College Library
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Curriculum Audit

This audit will help you and your school consider its current curriculum provision and how effectively that provision is delivered.

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Literacy Audit

Supports schools’ self-assessment and improvement journey, placing equal value on oracy, reading and writing to secure rapid progress.

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Numeracy Audit

The Numeracy Audit toolkit is designed to support schools self-assess and create a manageable development plan to improve key fundamentals of numeracy.

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